This list is not exhaustive, so you can see the great variety that has developed in different types...
This list is not exhaustive, so you can see the great variety that has developed in different types of Christianity over the last two thousand years. Their beliefs may differ greatly, but they all share a belief in one god, his son Jesus Christ, and use the Bible as a holy book.Single branches tend to form in religion when members of that faith disagree on something and split, such as with the Puritans, who emigrated to North America or when King Henry VIII wanted for England to become Protestant, so that he could remarry. A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings. The Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation.” The old is gone, the new has arrived. This means that when we become Christians, we may look the same on the outside, but something has changed forever on the inside. There are various metaphors to describe it - we have "changed countries", "under new ownership" or "born again". Christians believe that God sends his Holy Spirit to live in everyone at that time.Its like were at war, in a concentration camp, and suddenly you hear on the smuggled radio that the rescue troops have landed in helicopters five miles away. They conquer all in their path and they are about to reach the gate and open the doors. And after living your entire life in this concentration camp, you are now going to be released.Its Christianity. It is news that God sent rescue troops into the world, namely Jesus Christ, and at great cost he defeated our enemy the devil, opened the gates of the concentration camp and welcomed us to the House.Piper is right. Christianity may contain a series of moral statements, but that is not the central message. The essential element of Christianity is the good news or “gospel.” This is the message that God the Father intended when “Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” Patriotism is love of country. This is different from nationalism, which is an argument about how to define our country. Christians should recognize that patriotism is good because all of Gods creation is good and patriotism helps us appreciate our special place in it. Our affection and loyalty to a specific part of Gods creation helps us do the good work of cultivating and improving the part in which we live.Our old way of thinking is gone. Our motivation, desire, and purpose are replaced by enjoying the things of God. The joys and pleasures of our lives are increased exponentially through our relationship with Christ. And our selfish, worldly pursuits are exchanged for the desire to honor God. When you sponsor a child through our holistic child development program, you provide life-changing assistance to that child: medical care, nourishing food, access to clean water, educational opportunities, support from caring adults and the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God.Christians are people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and who follow his teachings and those of the Christian churches that grew after his death. They believe that through Jesus death on the cross, we can find forgiveness of all sins, and therefore be reconciled to God.